Archive for
September, 2013
September 30, 2013
By: Tom Coy
Category: Gay Politics
August 26, 2013
The following excerpts are from the Rev. Dr. Clenard H. Childress, Jr.’s “Column: Homosexual activists bully Donnie McClurkin” on “Nationwide (August 26, 2013) — The hijacking of the Civil Rights Movement by homosexual activists took a quantum leap with the barring of Donnie McClurkin from the Martin Luther King Concert celebration. Such a strategic strike by the LBGT could not have happened without the compliance of the normal House Negroes of the Democrat Party, who also profit from the plight of African-Americans. This has become typical of Democrat administrations. African-Americans must take complete notice of the fact that the voice of the Black Community was completely disregarded for a few disgruntled homosexual activists. Mayor Vincent Gray, of Washington, DC due to pressure from the Lesbian Bisexual Gay Transgender lobby requested internationally known gospel singer, and Senior Pastor of Perfecting Faith Church, of Freeport, New York, be banned from performing. Mayor Vincent Grey, and undoubtedly the White House, all agreed.” (more…)
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September 30, 2013
By: Tom Coy
Category: Religious Perspective
August 26, 2013
The following excerpts are from Andy Comisky’s article “The Dissappearing Path” on his blog: “That God created humanity to be good gifts for each other, grateful for the other’s difference and committed to offering one’s body to him or her only as a lifetime pledge of allegiance, is a path disappearing on the earth.”
“Instead we celebrate ‘gay marriage’ and forego real marriage; we criminalize teens who seek to grow beyond their homosexuality but advocate for a child’s right to determine his or her own gender and have as much ‘consequence-free’ sex as (s)he wants by legalizing over-the-counter contraceptives. We champion the demonized and demonize those in search of deliverance.” (more…)
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September 28, 2013
By: Tom Coy
Category: Ex-gay News, testimony
August 25, 2013
A new website “RAD report” has been created to refute an anti-ex-gay activist’s statement that ex-gays are as rare as dodo birds. RAD stands for “rare as dodos.” The website lets ex-gays post videos of their testimony. The anti-ex-gay activist, Wayne Besen, who continually has propagated the lie that ex-gays do not really exist is aware of the site, but unrepentant of his statement.
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September 28, 2013
By: Tom Coy
Category: Clinical Science, Homosexuality Causation, Sexual Orientation Change Efforts
August 23, 2013
A thirty minute video documentary offering factual information on homosexual causation and homosexual attractions is now online. Those featured in “Understanding Same Sex Attractions” include psychologists, counselors, and those who have unwanted same-sex attractions. One of the licensed counselors in the documentary, Floyd Godfrey, articulated that the “easiest way to understand homosexual feelings would be by the definition that it is the sexualization of emotional needs and wounds.” The documentary is produced by Family Watch International and can be linked HERE.
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September 28, 2013
By: Tom Coy
Category: Ex-gay News, Gay Politics, Sexual Orientation Change Efforts
August 23, 2013
The following excerpts are from the article “’Ex-Gay’ Non-Profit and Arizona Governor Are Victims of Internet Hoax Story with Made-Up Anti-Gay Quotes” on … “‘The fake story was apparently intended to embarrass Governor Brewer and People Can Change, and to encourage people to verbally assault our organization and our members,’ Wyler said. Within 24 hours, People Can Change was inundated with more than 150 hate emails and phone calls, many using extreme profanity and threats against the organization and its members, he said.”
“‘We have no programs for school children,’ Wyler said. ‘We never try to convince anyone to try to change who is happy being gay. We only support men who are intrinsically self-motivated to pursue change. (more…)
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September 26, 2013
By: Tom Coy
Category: Gay Politics, Sexual Orientation Change Efforts
August 21, 2013
The following excerpts are from Linda Harvey’s article “Christie’s score: ‘Gay’ agenda 3, children 0” on the World Net Daily website: … “So now Christie favors teens being denied the opportunity to overcome homosexual desires,
which are not inborn but often the byproduct of early sexual exposure or molestation. No science has found a gay gene, but Christie said he believes people are born this way and that it’s not a sin.”
“There are only a few reasons why an alleged ‘conservative’ politician supports such fascist left-wing schemes. Perhaps Christie doesn’t really have much of a heart for kids. If 12-year-olds are indoctrinated at school into thinking they are homosexual and end up the victims of advances by HIV-infected predators, maybe the governor is not too concerned. (more…)
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September 26, 2013
By: Tom Coy
Category: Sexual Orientation Change Efforts
August 20, 2013
The following excerpts are from the article “NARTH to work with Liberty Counsel to overturn New Jersey legislation to ban therapy!” on the NARTH website: … “NARTH as an organization and several individual therapists attempted to contact Governor Christie and ask for the opportunity to meet with him. Once that failed NARTH wrote to the governor to inform him and provide him with research evidence that (1) there is no evidence that people are born gay (2) the APA cites and reports no evidence that individuals are harmed by professional therapy for unwanted same-sex attractions and (3) that there is absolutely no evidence that children who might be seen by a therapist – in some cases because of abuse or neglect – and are having confused or misdirected feelings of same-sex attraction experience any suicidal feelings or depression related to (SOCE) therapy.” (more…)
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September 26, 2013
By: Tom Coy
Category: Sexual Orientation Change Efforts
August 20, 2013
Following is the Family Research Council press release “New Jersey Governor Chris Christie Undermines Freedom By Banning Sexual Orientation Therapy” reprinted in its entirety: Washington, D.C. – Family Research Council (FRC) today voiced disappointment with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s decision to sign into law Assembly Bill 3371, which forbids licensed professional counselors in the state to “engage in sexual orientation change efforts with a person under 18 years of age.”
A similar bill in California has been put on hold by the federal courts after its constitutionality was challenged in two lawsuits (now pending on appeal in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals). (more…)
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September 25, 2013
By: Tom Coy
Category: Sexual Orientation Change Efforts
August 20, 2013
The following excerpts are from David Pickup’s article “New Jersey Governor Christie Makes Himself Complicit in the Effects of Sexual Abuse onto Children” on the Voice of the Voiceless website: “On Monday, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie joined a small but effective group of lawmakers by signing legislation into law that bans all types of therapies that seek to ‘reduce or eliminate homosexual feelings’ for minors.”
… “Christie said he had to side with the ‘experts’ on this issue, yet, these so-called ‘experts’ could not produce one scientific study documenting that SOCE is ineffective or harmful for adolescents, despite their claims. Christie had to have known that the outcomes of adolescents undergoing SOCE have not been studied, and therefore, any decision to promote or reject such an intervention would be premature. In the case where solid evidence is lacking, the responsible action is to refrain from making any judgment until the science can be produced.” (more…)
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September 25, 2013
By: Tom Coy
Category: Sexual Orientation Change Efforts

August 19, 2013
Following is the Pacific Justice Institute press release “BREAKING: Free Speech Advocates Blast Christie For Signing Gay Therapy Bill” reprinted in its entirety: Trenton, NJ—Governor Chris Christie finalized his decision to sign a bill today outlawing therapy for minors seeking professional help for unwanted same-sex-attractions. “Governor Christie is no friend of free speech,” said Brad Dacus, President of Pacific Justice Institute (PJI) in response to the Governor’s decision.
PJI filed the first of two lawsuits against a nearly identical bill in California. PJI obtained a preliminary injunction in December 2012, and the law is currently on hold because of the serious free speech and religious freedom restrictions it imposes. (more…)
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