Jeff Buchanan has fears regarding Brazil’s Heterosexual Pride Day
December 12, 2011
Excerpt from the interview in the Charisma News: – “Jeff Buchanan, executive vice president of Exodus International, an interdenominational Christian ministry that assists those who struggle with same-sex attraction, is more concerned about social persecution than acts of violence.”
“‘This is going to contribute to a social criminalization on this issue within Brazil. It’s going to separate those who may not necessarily be active, militant, gay community members, but may be struggling,’ Buchanan argues. ‘Apolinário is going to basically categorize everyone into the same category. My concern is that gays are going to be ostracized and then, as a result, they will be persecuted socially.’”
“Buchanan also fears a greater danger: hindrances to reaching out to lost souls. Heterosexual Pride Day could breed further division between the church and the gay community in Brazil. ‘We’re not going to win souls with a tit-for-tat strategy,’ Buchanan says. ‘The church is going to make a difference when we authentically love and minister to the gay community.’”
“As he sees it, a parade of heterosexuals would still be a parade of sinners. Instead of homosexuality, the proud-to-be-straight participants may be engaging in other sins such as adultery, pornography or divorce without biblical justification. His point: There is no need for feelings of superiority based on a sexual orientation. The issue is not heterosexuality, he says, but holiness.”
The full text of the article can be found at