PFOX’s year end newsletter highlights 2011 activities
December 26, 2011
Excerpts from the PFOX Newsletter: – “PFOX started the year off in February by hosting an exhibit booth at the popular and heavily attended CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) in Washington D.C. PFOX was one of only two social conservative organizations present at CPAC. GoProud, a Republican homosexual activist group, also exhibited, so we were able to answer many questions from attendees curious about what GoProud was saying about homosexuality. Without PFOX, conservatives from across the country would have received a one-sided message about homosexual behavior.” …
“PFOX also hosted an exhibit booth at the American Association of Christian Counselors International Conference in Nashville, Tennessee. Over 7,000 participants/counselors from all over the world attended this special event. PFOX president Greg Quinlan staffed our booth, answered questions from an ex-gay perspective, and was visible poof that changing sexual orientation is possible. Therapists, social workers, and school counselors approached our exhibit booth with enthusiasm, telling us how appreciative they were to find us because they had been looking for educational homosexual literature for some time.”
The full text of the newsletter can be found at