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Erie Community Unit School District discontinued its use of curriculum produced by GLSEN for elementary school students

July 25, 2012 By: Tom Coy Category: Gay Politics

July 11, 2012

The Alliance Defending Freedom (formally the Alliance Defense Fund) lent its legal support to an Illinois school board that decided to stop using material from the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network aimed at elementary schoolchildren. Following are excerpts from the Alliance Defending Freedom article titled “Defending Schoolchildren from the Homosexual Legal Agenda:”

“Last fall, the district’s Materials Review Committee approved the use of GLSEN’s ‘Ready, Set, Respect!’ curriculum program, which promotes homosexual behavior. After reading one of the books in the curriculum, several parents voiced concerns. In May, the board voted to drop the GLSEN materials from elementary schools, finding the materials inappropriate and a poor reflection of the community’s values.”

“GLSEN pressed the school board to reverse that decision by launching a national campaign that falsely accused the board of banning books. The board, however, has stood by its decision.”

“‘Schools are supposed to serve as institutions of learning, not propaganda,’ Tedesco says. ‘The school board was right to listen to parents’ concerns and abandon the GLSEN materials.’”

The full text of the Alliance Defending Freedom article can be found at:

Another article on this action by the Erie Community Unit School District can be found at: