Archive for the ‘Clinical Science’
September 02, 2012
By: Tom Coy
Category: Clinical Science, Gay Politics
August 29, 2012
(University of Texas News) “AUSTIN, Texas — The University of Texas at Austin has determined that no formal investigation is warranted into the allegations of scientific misconduct lodged against associate professor Mark Regnerus regarding his July article in the journal Social Science Research.”
“As required by its Revised Handbook of Operating Procedures, the university conducted an inquiry to determine whether the accusations made by writer Scott Rose had merit and warranted a formal investigation. After consulting with a four-member advisory panel composed of senior university faculty members, the Office of the Vice President for Research concluded in a report on Aug. 24 that there is insufficient evidence to warrant an investigation.” Link to the UT article. Link to the investigation report.
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August 27, 2012
By: Tom Coy
Category: Clinical Science, Ex-gay News, Religious Perspective
August 22, 2012
Exodus president Alan Chambers talked with OWN TV’s Lisa Ling on why he no longer endorses reparative therapy. Chamber’s specifically criticized the use of heterosexual pornography in reparative therapy. He went on to state that he is not gay, but does not know if he is heterosexual. He said he does have opposite sex attractions toward his wife. When asked by Ling for his advice for those who come to Exodus wanting help with their same-sex desires, his advice excluded psychoanalytic therapy. The interview can be found on this link.
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August 27, 2012
By: Tom Coy
Category: Clinical Science, Gay Politics, Sexual Orientation Change Efforts
August 15, 2012
In response to California State Senator Ted Lieu’s charge of widespread harm to minors from sexual orientation change efforts, NARTH president Christopher Rosik, Ph.D searched two science literature databases for evidence. One database PsycARTICLES searched journals related to psychology and the other MEDLINE searched 1470 medical journals. While Rosik found 15,806 articles under six search headings of children/adolescents/minors and cigarettes/alcohol, he only found four articles under eight headings of harm related to sexual orientation change efforts. Three of the four were not research related. The one article about harm was from two gay professionals whose research sought individuals who felt harmed by sexual orientation change efforts. That study did not distinguish between mental health professionals and unlicensed religious counselors. Rosik concluded that the Lieu’s charge of widespread harm represents rhetoric and not research. The full text can be found at “Complete Lack of a Scientific Basis.”
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August 25, 2012
By: Tom Coy
Category: Clinical Science, Gay Politics, Religious Perspective
August 2, 2012
In an article published by LifeSiteNews Archbishop-elect of Glasgow Philip Tartaglia took the position “that society has been silent when it comes to the health risks and dangers of the homosexual lifestyle.” In defending the Archbishop the director of the Scottish Catholic Media Office, Peter Kearney, stated that there is “something of a conspiracy of silence around the vast array of medical evidence that exists to suggest that same-sex behavior is hazardous, is harmful, and is dangerous. And the wider question really is as a society why don’t we debate that? Why don’t we have that discussion in the same way, for example, that we’ve been happy to look at how smoking, how alcohol, how over-eating, how drug addiction can cause harms to people’s health?”
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August 25, 2012
By: Tom Coy
Category: Clinical Science, Gay Politics
August 2, 2012
Townhall columnist Michael Brown has pointed out CA State Senator Ted Lieu’s strange motives using his own words. Brown wrote “As of today, it is legal in California to give hormone blockers to an 11 year-old boy in order to delay the onset of puberty, but it could soon be illegal for a 17 year-old with unwanted same-sex attractions to receive professional counseling, even with parental consent. Now, California Senator Ted Lieu, has removed any doubt as to why he introduced Senate Bill 1172: ‘The attack on parental rights is exactly the whole point of the bill because we don’t want to let parents harm their children.’ This is an absolute outrage, and every parent in California needs to contact their senators and urge them to vote against this ridiculous and wrong-headed bill.” Link to Michael Brown’s article.
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August 25, 2012
By: Tom Coy
Category: Clinical Science, Gay Politics, Religious Perspective
August 1, 2012
Christianity Today published an article describing the controversial statements by Peter Kearney, the director of the Scottish Catholic Media Office. About a week ago Archbishop of Glasgow Philip Tartaglia stated in a forum that evidence linked gay sex with early death rates and “suggested that the early 2011 death of Labour MP David Cairns could be linked to his homosexuality.” Tartaglia later apologized for suggesting Cairn’s death was linked to his homosexuality. Amidst a barrage of criticism Kearney boldly stated that society was not taking a “compassionate” response by choosing to ignore the “complex infections, diseases and illnesses that are caused” by gay sex.
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August 25, 2012
By: Tom Coy
Category: Clinical Science, Gay Politics
July 23, 2012
Christian Smith, Ph.D. has referred to the attacking criticism of Mark Regnerus’s study as a “witch hunt” and “inquisition.” The Regnerus study found that “adult children of parents who had same-sex romantic relationships, including same-sex couples as parents, have more emotional and social problems than do adult children of heterosexual parents with intact marriages.” For coming to a conclusion that does not support the progressive status quo, “Regnerus has been attacked by sociologists all around the country, including some from his own department. He has been vilified by journalists who obviously (based on what they write) understand little about social-science research. And the journal in which Regnerus published his article has been the target of a pressure campaign.”
Smith, who says he is not a conservative, says: “Those who are attacking Regnerus cannot admit their true political motives, so their strategy has been to discredit him for conducting ‘bad science.’ That is devious. (more…)
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August 25, 2012
By: Tom Coy
Category: Clinical Science, Ex-gay News
June 30, 2012
The latest post on the NEA’s Ex-Gay Educator’s Caucus website gives examples of individual ex-gays and studies confirming the existence of ex-gays. Liberal leaders of organizations like the National Education Association still do not want to acknowledge the existence of ex-gays. [editor’s note: This refusal to acknowledge the existence of ex-gays is somewhat similar to extremists who deny the holocaust or oppose the existence of Israel] The article argues that “Success rates for changing sexual orientation range from 30-70%, which is about the same as for correcting depression, substance abuse, and eating disorders.”
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July 25, 2012
By: Tom Coy
Category: Clinical Science
July 20, 2012
Dr. Chris Beyrer’s new study on HIV points mainly to unprotected anal sex as the reason for the high transmission of HIV among men having sex with men. Though this is new evidence, it is not new knowledge. As early as 1987 gay historian Randy Shilts (And The Band Played On) told the world why gay men were getting HIV at an alarming rate. Shilts attributed it to promiscuity, unprotected anal sex, and rimming (mouth-anal sex) popularized in the gay community by the book The Joy of Gay Sex. In his 1996 book, Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth, Dr. Jeffrey Satinover wrote than any type of anal sex was an unhealthy practice even with a condom. The Beyrer study does confirm existing knowledge, but only offers the same type of solutions that haven’t worked well in the past. An article on the study can be found at:
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July 25, 2012
By: Tom Coy
Category: Clinical Science, Gay Politics
July 16, 2012 has reported that a gay activist by the name of Scott Rosensweig accused Mark Regnerus of “scientific misconduct,” harboring “anti-gay prejudices,” and “being politically biased” in a letter to the University of Texas. The university began an investigation shortly after Rosensweig’s letter. The Regnerus study, published in the July issue of Social Science Research, found “that children of homosexual parents have significantly more social and mental-health problems than children of heterosexual parents.” Here are some excerpts from the article titled “Author of controversial ‘gold standard’ study on gay parenting being investigated by university.” (more…)
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