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Archive for the ‘Ex-gay News’

PFOX Urges Students to Distribute Ex-Gay Flyers

June 27, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Ex-gay News, Gay Politics

April 3, 2013

The following is the PFOX News Release in its entirety: Washington D.C. – Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX) is urging students, parents, and educators to distribute ex-gay flyers on April 19 to their schools with Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) or other gay-themed student clubs.

Friday, April 19, is the annual “day of silence” sponsored by the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) when student and teacher members of homosexual clubs in public high schools and colleges across the country remain silent for the school day to bring attention to homosexuals. (more…)

PFOX calls out New Jersey Sen. Barbara Buono

April 05, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Ex-gay News, Gay Politics

April 1, 2013

Excerpt from the PFOX article “New Jersey Sen. Barbara Buono Called on to Stop her Hate Against Sexual Minorities:” “Trenton, N.J. … In a statement made during a New Jersey Senate committee hearing on March 18, 2013, Sen. Buono said she was glad to have sponsored non-discrimination legislation that did not include ‘formerly gay individuals’ because she had ‘never heard of that phrase uttered before.’”

“‘Sen. Bouno knows I am openly ex-gay,’ said Greg Quinlan, a former homosexual and president of the Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX) board of directors. ‘She disagrees with my sexual orientation and so pretends people like me are not members of society. (more…)

PFOX files amicus curiae brief in DOMA case

April 05, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Ex-gay News, Gay Politics

March 26, 2013

Excerpts from the PFOX article “PFOX Files Ex-Gay Brief in Supreme Court Cases:” “Washington D.C. — Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX) has filed an amicus curiae brief in the genderless marriage and Defense of Marriage (DOMA) Supreme Court cases being heard this week. As the only ex-gay organization to file a brief in these historical Supreme Court cases, PFOX appears as amicus to address the purported immutability of homosexuality. Dean Broyles, chief counsel of the National Center for Law and Policy, authored the brief on behalf of PFOX.”

“In its Supreme Court filings, PFOX (like the APA and many gay organizations) affirms that sexual orientation is fluid, and can and does change over time. PFOX explains that a growing number of governmental authorities and other organizations recognize the existence of ex-gays.” (more…)

Ex-gay joins boycott of Starbucks

April 05, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Ex-gay News, Gay Politics

March 26, 2013

Excerpts from the article “Christ or Coffee? Ex-Homosexual Turned Evangelist Dumps Daily Dose of Starbucks After CEO Remarks” by Heather Clark published on the Christian News Network: “An ex-homosexual who now serves as an evangelist states that he has decided to join the boycott against the coffee king Starbucks following recent remarks made by CEO Howard Schultz regarding the company’s support of homosexual ‘marriage.’ ‘It’s an unGodly, Christ-hating position,’ he said of Schultz’s comments.” (more…)

PFOX report and advice on an ex-gay library exhibit

April 05, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Ex-gay News

March 23, 2013

The following excerpts are from a PFOX website article: “Many times when a library patron sees a gay themed exhibit at their local library, they become upset because there is no opposing viewpoint. What you can do to ensure that the library exhibits the full and complete facts about sexual orientation is to put up an ex-gay exhibit at your local library.” (more…)

U.K. High Court rules against ex-gay bus ads

April 05, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Ex-gay News, Gay Politics

March 22, 2013

A United Kingdom High Court justice ruled that the barring of ex-gay advertisements on London buses was a legitimate decision because the ads were in line with the transit authority’s policies. The justice also ruled that advertisements by gay organizations that were allowed on the buses should not have been allowed either. (more…)

PFOX letter to New Jersey State Senators regarding conversion therapy

April 04, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Ex-gay News, Gay Politics, Sexual Orientation Change Efforts

March 16, 2013

Excerpts from the PFOX letter: “As parents of gay children, we urge you to vote against Senate Bill 2278, erroneously titled, ‘Protects minors by prohibiting attempts to change sexual orientation.’ This proposed legislation, initiated by the gay lobby to ensure that children receive only homosexual-affirming therapy by banning heterosexual therapy, is an act of childhood endangerment and an unconstitutional attempt to deny parental rights in New Jersey and your district.” (more…)

Ex-gay appearance shuts down the Minnesota legislature

April 04, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Ex-gay News

March 11, 2013

A debate on same-sex marriage in the Minnesota State House was shut down when a Republican representative introduced a friend who had exited the gay life and experienced sexual orientation change. Condemnation came from both leaders of the State House. There are not many details but here is the link.

Testimony of ex-gay Dr. David Kyle Foster

April 04, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Ex-gay News, Religious Perspective, testimony

March 1, 2013

Excerpts from David Kyle Foster’s testimony on the PFOX website: … “Perhaps my personal witness to change can be of some help. I have been changed in many and varied ways over the past 32 years after seeking the Lord at the age of 29 to deliver me from a bondage to homosexuality, pornography and other sexually addictive behaviors. After 10 years of active involvement in the ‘anything but gay’ homosexual lifestyle, Jesus Christ revealed Himself to me and has set me free from what statistics show to be a deathstyle lain upon the foundations of profound brokenness.” (more…)

Ex-gay Andrew Comisky compares today’s church with the church at Pergamos

March 05, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Ex-gay News, Religious Perspective

February 28, 2013

Following is most of Andrew Comisky’s blog called “Lent Devotion 3: True Worship” on “A few years ago, my teenage son told me that the largest evangelical church in our city was winning over many of his friends. His concern? Those new converts continued in sexual immorality as the church ‘did not make a big deal about premarital sex.’ Later I read one of the pastor’s books in which he conveyed quietly that Christians had to become ‘gay–affirming’ if they wanted to be relevant to a new era.”

“Last month that pastor presided over President Obama’s inaugural prayer breakfast. Barack’s first pastoral choice had been cut at the last minute when it was discovered that he had a ‘homosexuality, sin, and healing’ sermon in his preaching history. What we worship will be reflected in our sexual ethics. (more…)