Archive for the ‘Ex-gay News’
February 12, 2013
By: Tom Coy
Category: Ex-gay News, Gay Politics
February 7, 2013
The story was covered by the Washington Examiner. Here is an except: “Prince George’s County Public Schools has pulled from six middle-school health classes a controversial video that discusses therapy as a tool to help gay teens become straight. The video, called “Acception,” is part of a bullying-prevention curriculum crafted by Washington-area filmmaker and psychologist Christopher Doyle.”
“The 20-minute film features four teenagers’ struggles with bullying: One boy is bullied in the locker room, a second boy is rejected by his family after telling them he is gay, a girl comes out of the closet and a second girl describes overcoming feelings of attraction toward women and eventually getting married to a man. A roughly five-minute segment also discusses whether people are born gay and describes reparative therapy as an option for gay people who want to be straight.”
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February 12, 2013
By: Tom Coy
Category: Ex-gay News, Gay Politics
February 7, 2013
CBS affiliate WUSA in Maryland interviewed ex-gay Christopher Doyle. Here is an excerpt: “Christopher Doyle asks, ‘Why would we want to withhold information to students, isn’t that’s what America’s about?’ Doyle’s production company’s video is called ‘Acception,’ and it’s been playing for middle-schoolers in Prince George’s County Public Schools for the last year, until this week.”
“The district says the video was pulled not because it included the concept that, with therapy, it’s possible for a teen to switch from gay to straight, but rather because the video didn’t focus enough on anti-bullying. Doyle says this all came as a surprise to him, and that the video is centered on anti-bullying messaging.”
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February 11, 2013
By: Tom Coy
Category: Ex-gay News, Gay Politics
February 6, 2013
Excerpt from the Americans for Truth About Homosexuality website: “Americans For Truth reiterates its call for the two corporate CEOs who reportedly are the strongest advocates for the pro-”gay” policy change — AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson and Ernst & Young CEO Jim Turley — to resign from the BSA’s Executive Board immediately. Regrettably, these two advocates of homosexuality have undermined the organization they are supposed to be serving. Through their ongoing pro-LGBT advocacy, they have instigated a massive and unnecessary public controversy that has already damaged the reputation of the Scouts. ‘Out and proud’ homosexuality may be the current rage in the corporate world, but it is not a Scouting value.” The list of the coalition as of February 6, 2013 is in the article. PFOX is part of the coalition.
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February 11, 2013
By: Tom Coy
Category: Ex-gay News, Gay Politics, Religious Perspective
February 4, 2013
Excerpt from the ad: “Every American who believes in freedom of thought and religious liberty should be alarmed by the attacks upon the Boy Scouts, who have had core convictions about morality for 100 years. Every Scout takes an oath to keep himself ‘morally straight.’ The Boy Scouts have every right to include sexual conduct in how they define that term. Many of our organizations stood with the Boy Scouts when the Supreme Court of the United States upheld their right to maintain their membership standards. To compromise moral principles under political and financial pressure would teach boys cowardice, not courage.” The ad can be linked here.
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February 11, 2013
By: Tom Coy
Category: Ex-gay News, Gay Politics
January 29, 2013
Excerpt of Greg Quinlan’s letter to the Boy Scout board of directors: “As a former homosexual who was sexually molested as a child, I urge the Boy Scouts of America to reinforce their policy prohibiting homosexuals as Scout leaders entrusted with the care of impressionable young boys and teens.”
“Boy Scouts leaders are exactly that – leaders. Boys watch them very closely. … A homosexual who gently eases boys and young men into exposure of homosexuality by his own personal example promotes homosexual behavior as normal, natural and healthy. This paves the way for youth to question their own sexuality and be affirmed into homosexuality. Promoting homosexuality to youth is also a political ploy to further homosexual approval.”
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February 11, 2013
By: Tom Coy
Category: Documentary News, Ex-gay News, Gay Politics, Homosexuality Causation, Relationship Advice, Sexual Orientation Change Efforts, testimony
January 29, 2013
Excerpt of Christopher Doyle’s article in the Christian Post: “When I was eight years old, I was sexually abused every week for an entire year. This created a lot of sexual confusion for me. When I became a teenager, I struggled with unwanted same-sex attraction (SSA) as a result of that abuse. …”
“Today, I am a professional counselor that helps young men struggling with their own sexuality. Every week, I get calls from mothers and fathers who are concerned about their teenagers’ homosexual feelings. I have worked with many of these teens in therapy (as young as 13) to help them understand and resolve their unwanted SSA. My hope is for these young people to work through their issues now so they don’t have to deal with the pain and heartache when they are older, like I had to do.”
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February 11, 2013
By: Tom Coy
Category: Ex-gay News, Sexual Orientation Change Efforts
January 13, 2013
The International Healing Foundation has initiated a petition calling for governments to stop attempts at discriminating against the rights of those with unwanted homosexual attractions to have professionals help them try to change their homosexual attractions (sexual orientation change efforts). Currently, California is seeking to make it illegal for minors to receive help to change their homosexual attractions. New Jersey and Pennsylvania are considering similar bans. The petition can be linked at
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February 11, 2013
By: Tom Coy
Category: Ex-gay News, Gay Politics, Homosexuality Causation, Sexual Orientation Change Efforts
January 2, 2013
Excerpt from the JONAH website: “I am really disappointed in the biased slant the Dr. Oz show took with regard to Reparative Therapy( November 2012). With 3 men representing ‘Reparative Therapy’ and 7 against, including a gay celebrity icon and a ‘Harvard’ grad, it’s quite disturbing there appears to be is no such entity as ethical and even-handed journalism on this issue.”
“I am a man that has been actively involved in Reparative Therapy for about 5 years after playing around secretly through a tumultuous marriage. I was married for 14 years and I’m a father of 4 children, ages 8-14. Not only has my life been incomprehensibly enriched by my journey, I have a peer group of dozens and dozens of men who all believe in this process and whose lives have been enriched themselves through Reparative Therapy. My personal story is a bit lengthy and colorful… with many highs and lows… but overall, I’m so much happier now than ever. I have an amazingly large support group, including my family who all know my story. …”
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February 09, 2013
By: Tom Coy
Category: Ex-gay News, Gay Politics, Homosexuality Causation, Sexual Orientation Change Efforts
December 13, 2013
Ex-gay and reparative therapist David Pickup was interviewed by Jenifer London on a SOCAL CONNECTED video. London pointed out that reparative therapists are at odds with the broader psychological community. The video also featured Dr. Terry Gock, a past president of the APA Society for Study of LGBT Issues. Another ex-gay in the video is Aaron Bitzer. He testified that reparative therapy desexualized his attractions for men. He believes the lack of a close relationship with his father is at the root of his same-sex attractions. He said he is still attracted to some men, but the attraction is to get to know them as men and not to have sex with them. Before his reparative therapy his attraction to men was sexual.
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February 09, 2013
By: Tom Coy
Category: Clinical Science, Ex-gay News, Gay Politics, Homosexuality Causation, Sexual Orientation Change Efforts
November 30, 2012
On November 28, 2012 Dr. Mehmet Oz, host of the Dr. Oz Show, let ex-gays Christopher Doyle and Rich Wyler along with NARTH leader Dr. Julie Hamilton present the case for sexual orientation change efforts. Gay representatives on the show argued against sexual orientation change efforts. Dr. Oz stated he wanted to bring the debate out in public. Not surprisingly gay organizations GLAAD, GLSEN and PFLAG issued a joint statement condemning the episode. MSNBC’s story covering the gay organizations fury can be linked here. Segments of the show can be linked here.
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