Archive for the ‘Ex-gay News’
December 05, 2012
By: Tom Coy
Category: Ex-gay News, Religious Perspective
December 4, 2012
Excerpt from the article by Alan Chambers on the Exodus International website: “We began the year determined to make some changes…. Most people believe Exodus is here to help people change their behavior. I understand why that misconception is out there; we’ve tended to highlight that over almost all else. In my opinion, the emphasis on behavior modification for people with SSA has come at the expense of discipleship. The use of therapy and psychology to change orientation, and its promise to cure, has eclipsed and devalued our calling as believers to live a life of daily surrender that may include suffering as a part of our experience as aliens of this world. … now more than ever, Exodus is a ministry focused on discipleship and Christ. We are dedicated to the only One Who can truly change who we are and impact what we do. We want to transcend the moral debate—is homosexuality right or wrong; do people need to change their attraction to be true Christians—and simply point people to Jesus. He must be the answer.”
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December 05, 2012
By: Tom Coy
Category: Clinical Science, Ex-gay News, Religious Perspective
November 28, 2012
Excerpt from information about the YouTube video: “‘It’s not something to be afraid of. It’s something that people face, a lot of people face as a course of their everyday life,’ says Aaron Bitzer, one who has faced these challenges. Mr. Bitzer shares in this video the truth that part of who we are as humans is the ability to choose how we live our life. ‘Impulses and cravings do not define a person,’ he shares. While some people choose to engage in a homosexual lifestyle, others choose to abstain.”
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November 09, 2012
By: Tom Coy
Category: Clinical Science, Ex-gay News, Homosexuality Causation, Religious Perspective
November 9, 2012
Dr. Mike Davidson book The Right to Decide: Seeking justice for choices around unwanted same-sex attractions was recently published. The book is a compilation of storied of those who have walked away from homosexuality. Excerpt from the Introduction: “Yet my own conviction is that this new society in the UK, in its determination to redefine marriage, family and parenting, is about to disrespect profoundly and to violate individuals who have chosen, or will chose … to walk away from homosexuality.” Link to the book.
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November 09, 2012
By: Tom Coy
Category: Clinical Science, Ex-gay News, Gay Politics
October 31, 2012
In an article that surprised many moral conservatives and reparative therapists the New York Times told the story of several men with same-sex attractions that benefited significantly from reparative therapy. The stories of unwanted same-sex attractions by Blake Smith, Aaron Bitzer and Jeremy S. were treated with respect from a newspaper that historically has only respected gay political viewpoints. Even reparative therapist Dr. Joseph Nicolosi and a young man just seeking reparative therapy were portrayed in a positive respectful manner. The article can be found by clicking on its title, which follows “‘Ex-Gay’ Men Fight Back Against View That Homosexuality Can’t Be Changed.”
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November 09, 2012
By: Tom Coy
Category: Ex-gay News, Gay Politics
October 20, 2012
World Net Daily excerpt: “A team of legal experts at the United States Justice Foundation is calling on the U.S. government to quit discriminating based on sexual orientation. They have sent a letter to Kevin Fenton of the National Center for HIV/AIDS in the Department of Health and Human Services’ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It was written on behalf of PFOX, Parents and Friends of ExGays and Gays, which pointedly noted that the groups and resources cited by the federal government fall short of a scientific standard.”
…“‘Why is the federal government spreading intolerance against the ex-gay community and Christians who support the religious testimony of former homosexuals?’ the letter asks. ‘The promotion of these negative anti-heterosexual comments spreads hate towards the ex-gay community. Is the federal government singling out a certain class of people to denigrate?’” Link to the World Net Daily article. Link to the letter. Link to PFOX News Alert.
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November 09, 2012
By: Tom Coy
Category: Ex-gay News, Religious Perspective
October 13, 2012
In an article entitled “Black, gay and Christian, Marylanders struggle with conflicts” two stories are told. One story is Rev. Grace Harley’s which went from a childhood adoration of her father and dislike of her mother to an eighteen year lesbian identity to freedom from homosexuality. (Following are excerpts from the Baltimore Sun) “Her spirituality returned to her through an unexpected medium — a same-sex relationship. In 1992, she found herself in one that, for the first time, transcended the physical. She began to wonder whether their attraction was right in the eyes of God, and Harley did not want to sin with someone she loved. Her partner, she says, sensed a change in her. ‘One morning, my girlfriend woke up, looked at me and said, ‘You’re different.’ She was right. From that day to now, I’ve had no fantasies or attractions to women. Not one.’” (more…)
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October 10, 2012
By: Tom Coy
Category: Clinical Science, Ex-gay News, Gay Politics, Sexual Orientation Change Efforts
October 3, 2012
( Excerpt: “A college student who claims he once had same-sex attractions but became heterosexual after conversion therapy has filed a lawsuit against California, which has enacted a law that bans so-called ‘gay cures’ for minors. The lawsuit, also joined as plaintiffs by two therapists who have used the treatments with patients, alleges that the law banning the therapy intrudes on First Amendment protections of free speech, privacy and freedom of religion. The student, Aaron Blitzer, who is studying to be a therapist in that field, said the law would prevent him from pursuing his career, according to court papers filed Monday in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California.” Link to the ABC NEWS article.
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October 10, 2012
By: Tom Coy
Category: Ex-gay News, Gay Politics
October 2, 2012
(PFOX) Statement excerpt: “Every week is a ‘banned books week’ for the ex-gay community. Books about leaving homosexuality are censored in most high school and community libraries, although gay affirming books are readily available. Arlington County, Virginia public schools accepted gay books for students from a local gay activist group, but Charlie Makela, the supervisor for Arlington Public School’s Office of Library Services, returned ex-gay books that PFOX had donated because she did not ‘believe the books are appropriate for our high school collection.’ Yet according to the ALA, the freedom to access information and express ideas, even if unorthodox and unpopular, is the reason for its Banned Books Week.” The link to the PFOX statement.
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October 10, 2012
By: Tom Coy
Category: Ex-gay News, Religious Perspective
October 1, 2012
(The Christian Post) Excerpt from John Warren’s and Jeff Buchanan’s statement “A Call for Responsible Grace:” “For individuals in the midst of this struggle, our desire is for them to hear a message of hope that proclaims the transforming power of Christ. Recent statements have seemingly minimized the possibility of change and have discouraged the hope of many beginning their journey out of homosexuality. While it’s true that same-sex temptation may remain to varying degrees, we do not believe this diminishes God’s transformational work. Most people will continue to be vulnerable to a previous weakness but this can serve as a reminder of their dependence upon God’s enabling grace. In the midst of our trials and weaknesses, we should always believe that change is possible.” Link to the statement in the Christian Post.
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October 09, 2012
By: Tom Coy
Category: Ex-gay News, Religious Perspective
September 17, 2012
( Excerpt from Dr. Gagnon‘s critique: “Alan’s mantra is that we all continue to sin as believers so that we can’t make ongoing unrepentant sin a factor in warning a believer that people who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. But in making this argument Alan shows that he rejects the common New Testament distinction between self-professed believers who continue to walk primarily in the flesh and self-professed believers who are led primarily by the Spirit. For Jesus and the NT writers the former do not inherit the kingdom of God, whatever their claim to belief in Christ may be. Rather than warning self-professed believers who live unrepentant homosexually active lives that conduct of this sort is congruent with those who don’t inherit the kingdom, Alan assures them that if they made a genuine profession of faith they will go to heaven irrespective of whether they repent.” Link to Gagnon’s critique.
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