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Archive for the ‘Ex-gay News’

Ex-gay Ethan Martin is thankful for his mother’s unconditional love

October 09, 2012 By: Tom Coy Category: Ex-gay News, Religious Perspective

September 11, 2012

( Excerpts from Ethan Martin’s real story: “She [mother] called me and asked me if I was gay, and in a moment of honesty, I told her that I was. I told her that I had been struggling since middle school and no amount of church activities, praying, fasting, leading, etc. helped take away my attractions. She said something to me in that phone conversation that I will never forget. She said ‘Ethan, I will love you no matter what you choose for your life.’ This was shocking to me.” (more…)

Exodus president Alan Chambers and radio host Janet Mefferd disagree, Chambers apologizes

October 09, 2012 By: Tom Coy Category: Ex-gay News

September 8, 2012

( Excerpts from the article: “The radio host responded both on Facebook and on her show, questioning Chambers’ character. ‘Last night, Alan Chambers sent me a few private emails after the interview as did his staff,’ she explained on her show Thursday. ‘Then he went on his personal Facebook page and lied about me and accused me of saying something during the interview that I never said and did not imply. It’s made up. And then he told his followers to give me a piece of their minds basically. I will say this unequivocally: I asked Alan a number of tough questions but I did not insult him. I was tough but I wasn’t mean and his answers, in my opinion, fell short of the biblical standard.’” Link to the Christian Post article.

Exodus International board member John Warren resigns

October 09, 2012 By: Tom Coy Category: Ex-gay News

September 8, 2012

( Excerpt: “‘I believe that Alan Chambers is a good man with good intentions. It is his messaging that concerned me recently and prompted me to resign,’ Warren told The Christian Post in an email Saturday. ‘Specifically, his interview this week on Janet Mefferd’s show concerned me deeply.’”

…”‘Alan is in an extremely difficult position, and I don’t want to disparage him,’ Warren stated. ‘There are Exodus member ministries who are advancing the gospel well, and I want to be certain to support them. Ultimately, the leader of an important ministry has to clearly articulate views that are consistent with Scripture. The message is important, and I became concerned that I could no longer continue to serve effectively on the board since the messaging quickly became less and less clear in my opinion.’” Link to the Christian Post article.

Staff changes at Exodus: Jeff Buchanan resigns, Randy Thomas returns

October 09, 2012 By: Tom Coy Category: Ex-gay News

September 5, 2012

( Executive Vice-President of Exodus International, Jeff Buchanan, has resigned his position along with his wife, Angela, who served as Director of Communications. Jeff Buchanan served in the vive president position since August of 2011. Randy Thomas, former Exodus International Executive Vice-President, has returned to his former position and Chris Stump has been promoted to the Director of Communications position. Link to the Exodus post detailing the changes.

People Can Change survey suggests unwanted same-sex attractions can be reduced through counseling

September 02, 2012 By: Tom Coy Category: Clinical Science, Ex-gay News, Sexual Orientation Change Efforts

September 1, 2012

(Christian Post) “Survey results from a study conducted by People Can Change, a nonprofit organization that seeks to help people with unwanted same-sex attractions (SSA), show that over half of those who sought counseling for SSA felt their attractions diminish as a result.”

“According to the survey, which was released Friday, 55 percent of those who sought out this kind of counseling experienced SSA with less intensity and frequency than before they received help. Additionally, 71 percent of those surveyed said they were either ‘satisfied’ or ‘very satisfied’ with the counseling they received.”

“…In all, 474 people from 19 countries responded to the survey.” Link to the Christian Post article.

Lawmaker Announces Effort to Ban Conversion Therapy for Minors in New Jersey

September 02, 2012 By: Tom Coy Category: Clinical Science, Ex-gay News, Sexual Orientation Change Efforts

August 31, 2012

( “TRENTON — Assemblyman Tim Eustace on Thursday announced plans to introduce legislation that would ban the controversial practice known as ‘conversion therapy’ aimed at changing the sexual orientation of minors, a measure similar to one that recently passed the California State Assembly overwhelmingly.” Link to the article.

PFOX leaders sign letter asking Bill O’Reilly to discontinue guest appearances of homosexual activist

August 27, 2012 By: Tom Coy Category: Ex-gay News, Gay Politics

August 23, 2012

Leaders of several pro-family organizations have asked “the News Corporation, Fox News, and Bill O’Reilly to find more ethical spokespersons for the liberal view of sexuality.” O’Reilly has used radical homosexual activist Wayne Besen as a spokesperson for homosexual viewpoints. The letter claims that “When Fox News provides a forum to a radical homosexual activist known for employing inflammatory and hateful language in the service of promoting lies, the network becomes complicit in the damage done to the victims of Wayne Besen’s and the SPLC’s smear campaigns.” (more…)

Alan Chamber’s interviewed by OWN’s Lisa Ling

August 27, 2012 By: Tom Coy Category: Clinical Science, Ex-gay News, Religious Perspective

August 22, 2012

Exodus president Alan Chambers talked with OWN TV’s Lisa Ling on why he no longer endorses reparative therapy. Chamber’s specifically criticized the use of heterosexual pornography in reparative therapy. He went on to state that he is not gay, but does not know if he is heterosexual. He said he does have opposite sex attractions toward his wife. When asked by Ling for his advice for those who come to Exodus wanting help with their same-sex desires, his advice excluded psychoanalytic therapy. The interview can be found on this link.

Exodus president responds to the formation of a new national ex-gay organization

August 27, 2012 By: Tom Coy Category: Ex-gay News, Religious Perspective

August 16, 2012

Excerpt of the first two paragraphs of Alan Chambers’ August 2012 letter: “There is a lot of talk these days about Exodus International’s drastic changes. Some former Exodus leaders have relinquished their membership in our organization and have formed a new one around a set of beliefs and ideals that ironically represent a real drastic change in approach and belief – namely that homosexuality is a ‘more egregious sin’ than any other. That unbiblical myth is something that we, at Exodus, have long tried to dispel and correct.”

“In truth, Exodus International remains much the same at the core of who we have always been and focused on the same goals that were set up when I became the president of Exodus in 2001. In many respects we have returned to the simple roots of gospel-focused, relational discipleship that led to the organization’s founding in 1976. We are a community for people with same-sex attractions, or those that love them, that offers refuge, discipleship and encouragement to move into the authentic and transparent community known as the local church.”

Exodus board member responds to Robert Gagnon

August 27, 2012 By: Tom Coy Category: Ex-gay News, Religious Perspective

August 16, 2012

Following are some selected excerpts from Exodus board member John Warren’s article “Should Exodus International Fire Alan Chambers?”

… “However, Mr. Chambers, as well thought out and prepared as he is for each of his public speaking opportunities on these complex and sensitive matters, does not enjoy the luxury of writing 35 page articles which are researched, edited, and strategically circulated in an effort to discredit the subject. Mr. Chambers is a minister of the Gospel of our Lord, and he is in the trenches day after day and week after week serving a diverse and complex constituency to that end. Surely Dr. Gagnon must be able to see the heart of this man and this ministry.”

“Dr. Gagnon expresses concern that Mr. Chambers is condoning sin, and thereby giving a false sense of security to those who by the evidence of egregious sin in their lives are either not genuinely converted Christians or have fallen away. (more…)