Archive for the ‘Ex-gay News’
July 21, 2012
By: Tom Coy
Category: Ex-gay News, Religious Perspective
May 23, 2012
Exodus International Press Release May 23, 2012:
Christian Group Transcends Political Debate to Help the Church Reach People with Same-Sex Attraction
Orlando, Fla. – The furor over same-sex marriage and homosexuality has not abated in recent days as commentators continue to speak about President Obama’s remarks, legislation to ban so called gay-to-straight therapy in California, and the fallout from North Carolina’s marriage vote.
Alan Chambers, president of the 36-year-old Exodus International said, “As usual, the spotlight is shining on the furthest extremes currently engaged in a public fight. I believe it’s time for all of us to focus on the people beyond the political debate.” (more…)
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July 20, 2012
By: Tom Coy
Category: Ex-gay News, Gay Politics
May 7, 2012
PFOX News Alert: – “Washington, D.C. – A federal judge has tossed out a lawsuit filed by homosexual activist Wayne Besen against Greg Quinlan and Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays (PFOX). Besen claimed that Quinlan, a former homosexual, had defamed him when Quinlan said that Besen had been fired from the Human Rights Campaign …” …
“Attorney Matt Barber, a PFOX board member, said ‘Filing frivolous lawsuits and abusing our judicial system seems to be a new tactic of radical homosexual activist pressure groups like Besen’s. They are desperate to silence the message of hope that there is freedom from unwanted same-sex attractions. (more…)
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July 20, 2012
By: Tom Coy
Category: Clinical Science, Ex-gay News
April 21, 2012
Despite the pro-gay bias of the reporter ex-gay Mike Davidson’s testimony and opinions are not distorted in this interview. Here is an excerpt from the April 21, 2012 article in The Telegraph: – “I’m expecting a firebrand. What I get is a gently spoken, slightly stooping man with a South African accent, who lives in a neat detached house in the countryside south of Belfast. His wife, Lynore, brings coffee and chocolate biscuits. They have been married for 32 years, during which time he claims to have been turned away from homosexuality by a combination of counselling, prayer and psychotherapy. He also claims to be able to help others do the same. (more…)
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July 20, 2012
By: Tom Coy
Category: Ex-gay News
April 18, 2012
The 2012 PFOX Spring Newsletter contains information on the battle with the Montgomery County Public Schools over a PFOX flyer. A copy of the flyer is included in the newsletter. Also, Regina Griggs reflects on her years at PFOX.
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July 20, 2012
By: Tom Coy
Category: Ex-gay News, Gay Politics
April 13, 2012
Excerpt from Christian Today post of April 13, 2012: – “London Mayor Boris Johnson yesterday blocked a bus advert suggesting that homosexuals could be cured.”
“The advert featured the slogan: ‘Not gay! Ex-gay, Post-gay and proud. Get over it!’” …
“Anglican Mainstream and the Core Issues Trust organised the advert in response to gay lobby group Stonewall’s advertising campaign in support of gay marriage.”
“‘Stonewall placed adverts on 1,000 buses we don’t think it’s unreasonable for us to come up with something that represents a very different point of view,’ Dr Davidson added.” (more…)
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July 20, 2012
By: Tom Coy
Category: Ex-gay News, Religious Perspective
April 12, 2012
Here is an excerpt from Alan Chambers’ April newsletter: – “This year we have made an enormous effort to make sure our ministry to married folks and our promotion of married leaders doesn’t overshadow our ministry to those whom God has called to be faithfully celibate, whether for life or a season. Also, we never want to communicate, even indirectly, that the answer for people with SSA is marriage. While these things have often been at work in our hearts and minds, I have never shared this in a newsletter. (more…)
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July 20, 2012
By: Tom Coy
Category: Ex-gay News, Gay Politics
March 29, 2012
Excerpts from the March 29 PFOX Press Release: – “Since members of these gay affirming clubs agree to remain silent for the day, April 20 is the time to distribute ex-gay information without interference or harassment from any gay activist faculty or GSA clubs,” said Greg Quinlan, President of PFOX.
“PFOX is calling on students to distribute flyers promoting acceptance of ex-gays. (more…)
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July 20, 2012
By: Tom Coy
Category: Ex-gay News, Homosexuality Causation
March 6, 2012
Peter Sprigg, board member of Parents and Friends of Ex-gays and Gays (PFOX), took the Washington Post to task for its statement “mainstream medical and mental-health associations say that homosexuality is innate.” The Washington Post statement was in an article about Montgomery County Public Schools Superintendent Joshua Starr rejection of a PFOX flier. Sprigg quoted the American Psychological Association (a pro-gay organization): “Although much research has examined the possible genetic, hormonal, developmental, social, and cultural influences on sexual orientation, no findings have emerged that permit scientists to conclude that sexual orientation is determined by any particular factor or factors.” (more…)
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July 20, 2012
By: Tom Coy
Category: Ex-gay News
February 28, 2012
Peter Sprigg, board member of Parents and Friends of Ex-gays and Gays (PFOX), gave PFOX’s side of their dispute with Montgomery County Public Schools Superintendent Joshua Starr in a commentary in the Washington Times.
Here is an excerpt from Sprigg’s commentary: – “The message that “change is possible” with respect to sexual orientation means just that. It does not mean change is mandatory; it does not mean change is easy; it does not even mean change is desirable for those who do not desire it. It also does not mean that people “choose” to experience same-sex attractions. However, people do have a choice what to do with those attractions – whether to engage in homosexual conduct, whether to self-identify as “gay” and, yes, whether to seek help to change those attractions.” (more…)
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July 20, 2012
By: Tom Coy
Category: Ex-gay News
February 8, 2012
Parents and Friends of Ex-gays and Gays (PFOX) News Release: – “February 9, 2012 – In response to media reports that Montgomery County (Maryland) Superintendent Joshua Starr called ex-gay flyers distributed to high school students as “reprehensible and deplorable” with a “really, really disgusting message,” Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays (PFOX) is calling for the Board of Education to reprimand Starr. PFOX’s flyers provided information to students with unwanted same-sex attractions, discouraged name calling and labeling, and urged tolerance for former homosexuals.” (more…)
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