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Archive for the ‘Religious Perspective’

Ex-lesbian Rev. Grace Harley interviewed in The Baltimore Sun

November 09, 2012 By: Tom Coy Category: Ex-gay News, Religious Perspective

October 13, 2012

In an article entitled “Black, gay and Christian, Marylanders struggle with conflicts” two stories are told. One story is Rev. Grace Harley’s which went from a childhood adoration of her father and dislike of her mother to an eighteen year lesbian identity to freedom from homosexuality. (Following are excerpts from the Baltimore Sun) “Her spirituality returned to her through an unexpected medium — a same-sex relationship. In 1992, she found herself in one that, for the first time, transcended the physical. She began to wonder whether their attraction was right in the eyes of God, and Harley did not want to sin with someone she loved. Her partner, she says, sensed a change in her. ‘One morning, my girlfriend woke up, looked at me and said, ‘You’re different.’ She was right. From that day to now, I’ve had no fantasies or attractions to women. Not one.’” (more…)

John Warren and Jeff Buchanan issue statement after resigning from Exodus International

October 10, 2012 By: Tom Coy Category: Ex-gay News, Religious Perspective

October 1, 2012

(The Christian Post) Excerpt from John Warren’s and Jeff Buchanan’s statement “A Call for Responsible Grace:” “For individuals in the midst of this struggle, our desire is for them to hear a message of hope that proclaims the transforming power of Christ. Recent statements have seemingly minimized the possibility of change and have discouraged the hope of many beginning their journey out of homosexuality. While it’s true that same-sex temptation may remain to varying degrees, we do not believe this diminishes God’s transformational work. Most people will continue to be vulnerable to a previous weakness but this can serve as a reminder of their dependence upon God’s enabling grace. In the midst of our trials and weaknesses, we should always believe that change is possible.” Link to the statement in the Christian Post.

Ex-gay Mike Geoke found healing by finding his true identity in Christ

October 10, 2012 By: Tom Coy Category: Clinical Science, Religious Perspective, Sexual Orientation Change Efforts

September 26, 2012

( Excerpt from the article “Masterpieces:” “He [Mike Geoke’s counselor] looked at me and said something to this effect: ‘you have no idea who you are. You have let others dictate your identity and you have let your own feelings dictate your identity. Until you both discover and rest in the truth of who JESUS says you are, you will never be satisfied and you will always be striving to be something more.’ I left in a huff, ready to give up on counseling. But I went back. Over time, my counselor proved to be wise. I was never going to move beyond my surface issues until I got below the surface and discovered that I was not living in the reality of who I truly was as a Christ follower. My issue wasn’t my biggest problem. I needed to discover my true identity in Christ.” (more…)

Dr. Robert Gagnon critiques Alan Chamber’s interview on Janet Mefferd Show

October 09, 2012 By: Tom Coy Category: Ex-gay News, Religious Perspective

September 17, 2012

( Excerpt from Dr. Gagnon‘s critique: “Alan’s mantra is that we all continue to sin as believers so that we can’t make ongoing unrepentant sin a factor in warning a believer that people who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. But in making this argument Alan shows that he rejects the common New Testament distinction between self-professed believers who continue to walk primarily in the flesh and self-professed believers who are led primarily by the Spirit. For Jesus and the NT writers the former do not inherit the kingdom of God, whatever their claim to belief in Christ may be. Rather than warning self-professed believers who live unrepentant homosexually active lives that conduct of this sort is congruent with those who don’t inherit the kingdom, Alan assures them that if they made a genuine profession of faith they will go to heaven irrespective of whether they repent.” Link to Gagnon’s critique.

Ex-gay Ethan Martin is thankful for his mother’s unconditional love

October 09, 2012 By: Tom Coy Category: Ex-gay News, Religious Perspective

September 11, 2012

( Excerpts from Ethan Martin’s real story: “She [mother] called me and asked me if I was gay, and in a moment of honesty, I told her that I was. I told her that I had been struggling since middle school and no amount of church activities, praying, fasting, leading, etc. helped take away my attractions. She said something to me in that phone conversation that I will never forget. She said ‘Ethan, I will love you no matter what you choose for your life.’ This was shocking to me.” (more…)

Alan Chamber’s interviewed by OWN’s Lisa Ling

August 27, 2012 By: Tom Coy Category: Clinical Science, Ex-gay News, Religious Perspective

August 22, 2012

Exodus president Alan Chambers talked with OWN TV’s Lisa Ling on why he no longer endorses reparative therapy. Chamber’s specifically criticized the use of heterosexual pornography in reparative therapy. He went on to state that he is not gay, but does not know if he is heterosexual. He said he does have opposite sex attractions toward his wife. When asked by Ling for his advice for those who come to Exodus wanting help with their same-sex desires, his advice excluded psychoanalytic therapy. The interview can be found on this link.

Exodus president responds to the formation of a new national ex-gay organization

August 27, 2012 By: Tom Coy Category: Ex-gay News, Religious Perspective

August 16, 2012

Excerpt of the first two paragraphs of Alan Chambers’ August 2012 letter: “There is a lot of talk these days about Exodus International’s drastic changes. Some former Exodus leaders have relinquished their membership in our organization and have formed a new one around a set of beliefs and ideals that ironically represent a real drastic change in approach and belief – namely that homosexuality is a ‘more egregious sin’ than any other. That unbiblical myth is something that we, at Exodus, have long tried to dispel and correct.”

“In truth, Exodus International remains much the same at the core of who we have always been and focused on the same goals that were set up when I became the president of Exodus in 2001. In many respects we have returned to the simple roots of gospel-focused, relational discipleship that led to the organization’s founding in 1976. We are a community for people with same-sex attractions, or those that love them, that offers refuge, discipleship and encouragement to move into the authentic and transparent community known as the local church.”

Exodus board member responds to Robert Gagnon

August 27, 2012 By: Tom Coy Category: Ex-gay News, Religious Perspective

August 16, 2012

Following are some selected excerpts from Exodus board member John Warren’s article “Should Exodus International Fire Alan Chambers?”

… “However, Mr. Chambers, as well thought out and prepared as he is for each of his public speaking opportunities on these complex and sensitive matters, does not enjoy the luxury of writing 35 page articles which are researched, edited, and strategically circulated in an effort to discredit the subject. Mr. Chambers is a minister of the Gospel of our Lord, and he is in the trenches day after day and week after week serving a diverse and complex constituency to that end. Surely Dr. Gagnon must be able to see the heart of this man and this ministry.”

“Dr. Gagnon expresses concern that Mr. Chambers is condoning sin, and thereby giving a false sense of security to those who by the evidence of egregious sin in their lives are either not genuinely converted Christians or have fallen away. (more…)

Ex-lesbian Linda Carter releases new book

August 25, 2012 By: Tom Coy Category: Ex-gay News, Religious Perspective

August 4, 2012

Excerpt from the promotional webpage for the book: “Linda Carter is a living example of the mercy, grace and power of God. Having lived as a lesbian for 15 years, she was saved and set free by Jesus Christ at age 33. She is no longer gay, has no desire to return to her former life, and offers that when an authentic Christian conversion takes place, a gay person will completely renounce that lifestyle.”

Andy Comisky articulates the differences between Desert Stream Ministries and Exodus International

August 25, 2012 By: Tom Coy Category: Ex-gay News, Religious Perspective

August 6, 2012

Here are a couple of differences articulated in Andy Comisky’s August 6th blog:

A “different view of the consequences of sexual sin. Whereas Exodus believes that practicing ‘gay’ Christians may well inherit the Kingdom of heaven, we beg to differ. We believe that Christ followers must reckon with homosexual behavior as a serious betrayal of their humanity and spirituality, and repent of it in order to be assured of salvation.”

A “different expectation of change for same-sex strugglers. Though we agree with Exodus’ desire to more accurately define ‘change’ for those with SSA, Exodus now appears tentative and unclear as to the degree to which the same-sex attracted will experience change at all in their sexuality. We believe that Jesus brings change to every Christian with SSA who seeks Him whole-heartedly. …”

A different reliance upon reparative psychology. (more…)