Kids should not call other kids names like “gay,” “sissy,” or “faggot”
March 1, 2013
PFOX recently reprinted several informative quotes from the Joseph and Linda Nicolosi book A Parent’s Guide to Preventing Homosexuality. Following is one of the quotes: “In elementary school, other children will begin to call gender-confused boys ‘sissies,’ ‘faggots,’ ‘queers,’ or ‘gays.’ Mistakenly and tragically, their teachers may even identify them as ‘gay children,’ and, thus labeled by their own teachers, the children may even come to think of themselves as ‘born gay.’ They may not be sure what being ‘gay’ means, but they begin to suspect that they are different. Before long, their emotional estrangement from their own sex will begin to surface in same-sex romantic longings.”
“Imagine how it would feel for a boy to have a distant father and also to be teased by his same-sex peers. Imagine how it would feel to be called clumsy, a sissy, crybaby, mama’s boy or to be labeled for any number of other failures. Often Mom, Grandma, or Sister is the only person in whom such a boy finds affection and sympathy. Because he tends to be emotionally sensitive, such a boy begins to believe his classmates’ teasing labels and gives up the struggle to prove they are not true. Their name-calling only confirms his hidden fear that his is not a ‘real boy.’”
“But make no mistake about this: A gender-nonconforming boy can be sensitive, kind, social, artistic, gentle – and heterosexual. He can be an artist, an actor, a dancer, a cook, a musician – and a heterosexual. These innate artistic skills are ‘who he is,’ part of the wonderful range of human abilities. No one should try to discourage those abilities and traits. With appropriate masculine affirmation and support, however, they can all be developed within the context of normal heterosexual manhood.”