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Exodus International iPhone App Threatened by Gay Activist Groups

July 17, 2012 By: Tom Coy Category: Ex-gay News, Gay Politics

March 10, 2011

From the Exodus International Press Office: Strategy Emerges to Silence Opposing Voices on Sexuality

Orlando, FL Exodus International, the global Christian ministry whose mission is mobilizing the Church to minister grace and truth to a world impacted by homosexuality, announced the release of its new smart phone application on Tuesday, March 8th. The application is free and is currently available on Apple’s iTunes store. Since the release, gay activists and organizations are calling for Steve Jobs and Apple to remove the application from their website.

A petition on is calling for the removal of the application from iTunes and has collected over 1,300 signatures in less than 24 hours. Jeff Buchanan, Senior Director of Church Equipping and Student Ministries for Exodus International states, “It is the desire of Exodus International to create resources that are easily accessible and helpful for those looking for answers to their questions about sexuality and faith. We hope to reach a broader demographic by using the latest technology.”

In November 2010, Apple removed the application for the Manhattan Declaration as the result of pressure from gay activist groups. In a statement, Apple said, “We removed the Manhattan Declaration app from the App Store because it violates our developer guidelines by being offensive to large groups of people.”

Exodus International is concerned that Apple, as a multinational corporation, is in danger of failing to meet the diverse needs of their customer base by denying them access to all viewpoints regarding sexuality. It seems that the biblical and traditional viewpoint may be losing its opportunity for equal representation.