Ex-gay Documentary
Documentary shows what Exodus International used to be and what the ex-gay movement still is
The documentary Real Hope, Real Truth, Real Answers is an independent project by a researcher seeking to capture the essence of the Christian ex-gay movement. It is suitable for home viewing, the academic classroom, and the Sunday school classroom. It offers insights on same-sex attraction to everyone who takes the time to watch it.
Many people are unaware that an organized Christian ex-gay movement exists in America, and are surprised to learn that it is over thirty years old. The lead organization in this movement used to be Exodus International, which began as a conference in 1976 organized by individuals who had or were seeking to overcome their homosexual desires and behavior. The lead organization of the ex-gay movement in 2014 is Restored Hope Network. Exodus International continued to hold an annual conferences until it closed its doors in 2013. The documentary peers into the heart and soul of the Christian ex-gay movement by taking the viewer into the 2006 Exodus Freedom Conference. It presents the conference from a variety of first hand perspectives.
Gay activists frequently called the actions of Exodus International hateful and harmful to gay people. Their reasons were predominantly political. If you are looking for the truth on homosexuality, you need to look at both sides of its many issues. This documentary presents the Christian ex-gay movement as it really is. A viewpoint rarely spotlighted accurately.
(Permission has been granted to the owners of the DVD to show the documentary in classrooms, lecture halls, churches, and community centers for educational purposes where no fee is charged to specifically view the documentary.)