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Andrew Comiskey – The Church should oppose the concept of gay and Christian

December 12, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Religious Perspective

October 7, 2013

The following excerpts are from the blog “Cultivating Gay Christians” on Andrew Comiskey’s website: “… I came to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ amid the afflicting power of homosexual attraction and conduct. In those years, shame veiled such struggles. I was fortunate to find Christian guides who helped me to discover Jesus as the basis for a new and true humanity.”

“Today, we arise out of shame and into the evolving community known as LGBTQ. Such a community may appear to afford some a kind of corporate identity and defense against a heterosexist world. What it actually does is bar Christians from the grace (and clarity of identity) that could be theirs.” Read the rest of this entry →

Bishop Harry Jackson’s address at the Ex-Gay Awareness Dinner

December 12, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Ex-gay News, Religious Perspective

October 7, 2013

The following excerpt is from the article “Bishop Harry Jackson Shares Story of Survival at Ex-Gay Awareness Event” written by Tyler O’Neil and published on the Christian Post website: “… ‘Your sins may be different than mine, but at the end of the day we’ve got to go to the same cross and get the same blood, and if we don’t go that way, whatever temporary victory we think we have will soon erode before our eyes,’ declared Jackson, senior pastor of Hope Christian Church in Beltsville, Md. and chairman of the High Impact Leadership Coalition.”

“Ex-Gays, those who once proclaimed themselves homosexual and lived the gay lifestyle but have turned from it to follow Jesus’ plan, need to rededicate themselves to Christ, said Jackson at the first annual event. He argued that those who secretly struggle with same-sex attraction need not fear – they can overcome it with the power of Christ. Echoing the words of the Apostle Paul, he said ‘Lord, I stand in weakness, but You stand in power!’ …”

Transgender unsatisfied with sex-change surgery chooses assisted suicide

December 12, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Clinical Science

October 5, 2013

The following excerpt is from the article “Paying the price for their autonomy” by Tom Mortier on the MercatorNet website: “… Last Monday afternoon the victim of a botched sex reassignment surgery was euthanased by the country’s [Belgium] leading euthanasia doctor, Wim Distelmans. Cameramen from a local TV station filmed the lethal injection.”

“Forty-four-year-old Nathan Verhelst was born as Nancy Verhelst into a family which despised girls. ‘When I saw ‘Nancy’ for the first time, my dream was shattered,’ her mother told the Het Laatste Nieuws newspaper. ‘She was so ugly. I had a phantom birth. Her death does not bother me.’ … Nathan’s solution was to seek euthanasia. …” Read the rest of this entry →

Christian Post coverage of the Ex-gay Awareness Dinner

December 10, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Ex-gay News

October 2, 2013

The following excerpt is from the article “Ex-Gay Awareness Event Gathers Former Homosexuals to Proclaim Sexual Self-Determination Freedom” written by Tyler O’Neil and published on the Christian Post website: “WASHINGTON – Following the June closing of Exodus International, other groups working with persons struggling with unwanted same-sex attraction are taking up the ex-gay banner, including Voice of the Voiceless, which hosted Monday the First Annual Ex-Gay Awareness Dinner and Reception that attracted about 60 Christian leaders and ex-gay individuals.”

“‘When gays come out of the closet they are celebrated in the movies and on TV, when an ex-gay tells his story, he’s mocked, ridiculed, defamed – and ask Trace McNutt, he gets death threats,’ Christopher Doyle, co-founder and president of ex-gay group Voice of the Voiceless, explained. He called for the movement to go on the offensive with the message that people can determine their sexual identity.” Read the rest of this entry → coverage of the Ex-Gay Awareness Banquet

December 10, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Ex-gay News, Gay Politics

October 1, 2013

The following excerpts are from the article “Staver honored at event for ex-gays” written by J.C. Derrick and published on “WASHINGTON—A coalition of groups for former homosexuals honored Liberty Counsel founder Mathew Staver with the first annual Ex-Gay Pride Freedom Award at a banquet Monday night.”

“Voice of the Voiceless and Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays (PFOX) hosted the dinner and reception that was rescheduled from July after gay activists phoned and emailed threats. The event was delayed and moved from the Family Research Council’s Washington, D.C., office to an undisclosed location in the area.” Read the rest of this entry →

Andrew Comiskey – LGBT advocates have become religious hypocrites

December 10, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Ex-gay News, Religious Perspective

September 30, 2013

The following excerpts are from the blog “The New Pharisee 3” on Andrew Comiskey’s website: “…I am witnessing a new Pharisaic tendency in Christian spokespeople for ‘GLBT’ (etc.) communities. Instead of surrendering the sexually broken ‘selves’ to Jesus, these ones make huge efforts to justify their homosexuality. Though some claim orthodoxy (no sex outside of marriage), they nevertheless seek to integrate the gay self and ‘celebrate the grace of God in homosexual terms.’”

“Precepts of the new Pharisee include: Exempting themselves from a theological anthropology that defines humanity as made in God’s image as male and female. … Jesus chooses to not effect much, if any, change of their sexual inclinations. … A new narrative in which one has little if any psychological brokenness undergirding their SSA. … Scandalizing reparative therapy. …”

Dennis Jernigan’s ex-gay anthem

December 10, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Ex-gay News

September 28, 2013

Link to Dennis Jernigan performing the Ex-Gay Anthem “Rise Up”

Chorus to “Rise Up”
Rise Up!
Rise up and be!
Rise up! Embrace your destiny!
Rise up!
Rise up and believe!
Rise up and dare to live your dream!
Rise up!

PFOX introduction to the ex-gay anthem

YouTube video of Ex-Gay Pride demonstration at the Supreme Court

December 08, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Ex-gay News, testimony

September 25, 2013

The speakers at the 2013 Ex-Gay Pride demonstration are now on YouTube. Christopher Doyle, ex-gay and Director of Voice of the Voiceless was the emcee at the event. The speakers in order of their appearance were Doug McIntyre – ex-gay and founder of Homosexual Anonymous and Acceptance Fellowship Ministries, Jack Ames – founder and director of Defend Life in Maryland, Rev. Grace Harley – ex-transgender, Chuck Peters – ex-gay and director of an organization that practices sexual orientation change efforts in California, Robin Goodspeed – ex-lesbian from Wyoming, and Richard Cohen – ex-gay and founder of the International Healing Foundation. A question and answer period followed the speakers presentations.

VoV investigative report on university viewpoint discrimination

December 08, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Ex-gay News, Gay Politics

September 25, 2013

The initial report “University LGBTQ Resource Centers in Virginia Engaging in Viewpoint Discrimination” published by Voice of the Voiceless (VoV) is reprinted in its entirety. Links to audio recordings are available on the VoV website: As a part of September’s Ex-Gay Awareness Month, Voice of the Voiceless (VoV) went undercover into seven of Virginia’s fifteen state universities to document a variety of misconduct among publicly-funded employees, including medically-inaccurate advice, view point discrimination, and biased counseling for students who experience unwanted homosexual feelings. The investigation, which occurred over a 2 ½ week period in September, involved two former homosexuals posing as graduate students seeking anonymous counseling for unwanted homosexual feelings at university resource centers for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning (LGBTQ) students. Read the rest of this entry →

Alan Chambers’ new organization changes its name to “Speak.Love.”

December 08, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Ex-gay News

August 14, 2013

When Alan Chambers closed Exodus International he stated that he was going to start a new ministry called “Reduce Fear.” He has since changed the name of the ministry to “Speak. Love.” Currently, the “Speak. Love.” website is using 1 Corinthian 13 as its mission statement.