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Joe Dallas – Insight into people who stay sexually pure

December 08, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Religious Perspective

September 24, 2013

The following blog “Who Really Stays Pure?” on Joe Dallas’s website: “Sexual purity for the Christian is a mandate, goal and achievement. It’s a mandate because it’s expected by God and reasonably so; it’s a goal in that we strive towards it, and an achievement when we both attain and then maintain it. It’s also a way of being and living that runs contrary to so much of what we’re exposed to daily.”

“The fact that we’re sexual creatures with natural responses can be enough of a struggle, but add to that the ongoing stimulation of billboards, immodestly dressed women and men, suggestive content on television ads and countless other stimulants, and the goal of a pure mind and body can seem like Quixote’s Impossible Dream – lofty, but virtually unreachable.” Read the rest of this entry →

Proof that colleges suppress ex-‘gay’ info

October 10, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Ex-gay News, Gay Politics

September 25, 2013

The following excerpts are from Bob Unruh’s article “Undercover probe: Colleges suppress ex-‘gay’ info” on World Net Daily: “An undercover investigation conducted by Voice of the Voiceless, an advocacy group now promoting ‘Ex-Gay Awareness Month,’ is charging that many of Virginia’s state universities are promoting homosexuality – even though they are required to deliver accurate information that represents both sides of the issue.”

“The investigation was conducted by VoV over several weeks this month, and had two former homosexuals pose as graduate students seeking ‘anonymous counseling for unwanted homosexual feelings at university resource centers.’” Read the rest of this entry →

Andy Comisky on war between Satanic forces and God’s mercy

October 10, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Religious Perspective

September 23, 2013

The following excerpts are from Andy Comisky’s article “New Pharasee 2” on his blog: … “Could it be that the enemy of our souls has blinded our eyes to the Mercy that is there for us? Perhaps the reason that we cling to dehumanizing attitudes and behaviors is because we do not believe that there is anything for us in their place.”

“How else can you explain the irrational power at work in the weaknesses of those who insist that the ‘gay self’ or any other number of ‘selves’ is their deepest, truest expression? Cut off from Mercy, these ones construct fortresses to defend them from the threat of non-being. Read the rest of this entry →

Ex-gays challenge the American Library Association

October 10, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Ex-gay News, Gay Politics

September 20, 2013

The following excerpts are from the article “Librarians confronted over ban on books” on the World Net Daily website: “Librarians across America are set to observe ‘Banned Books Week’ by highlighting titles that recently have faced censorship. But the librarians themselves this year are being accused of banning books. The claim comes from advocates for the community of ex-‘gays.’” Read the rest of this entry →

Randy Thomas discusses his rejection from conservatives and gays

October 10, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Ex-gay News, Religious Perspective

September 19, 2013

The following excerpts are from Randy Thomas’ blog “Ask-It Basket: What Will You Do When I Don’t Live Up To Your Expectations?”: “Recently, I was disowned by a few conservative Christians because of my views about the finished work of Christ (in general), and how that applies to people who call themselves gay Christians. I affirmed that if a gay Christian professes that Jesus Christ is their Lord and Savior (and all of what that means) I believe they are truly saved. I don’t know the true condition of their heart just like they don’t know mine. If they say they are saved, and because I am only mortal, I simply assume they are telling the truth.”

“I have a different view of sexuality, and identity, than many who call themselves gay Christians. Because of that, I do not personally apply sexual identity labels as modifiers of my being a Christian. I do not pursue sexual activity with either gender. Along with that, I am not going to tell someone else how they should live their lives. Read the rest of this entry →

Ex-gay books should be part of Banned Books Week

October 10, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Ex-gay News

September 19, 2013

The following PFOX press release “Ex-Gays Condemn American Library Association’s ‘Banned Books Week’- Ex-Gay Awareness Month Encourages Virtual Readout to Protest ALA’s Censorship” is reprinted in its entirety: Chicago, IL — In celebration of Ex-Gay Awareness Month, Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX) and Voice of the Voiceless (VoV) are urging the American Library Association (ALA) to include ex-gay books as part of its “Banned Books Week,” September 22-28, when the ALA publicizes unpopular books censored by libraries and schools. ALA has refused to acknowledge the routine banning of ex-gay books in school and community libraries across the United States as a part of their efforts to end censorship. Read the rest of this entry →

New information on Matthew Shepard’s murder

October 07, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Gay Politics

September 18, 2013

The following excerpts are from Joseph Farah’s article “The Matthew Shepard myth explodes” on World Net Daily: … “A new book, “The Book of Matt,” written by a sympathetic ‘gay’ man, Stephen Jiminez, finds that virtually everything that has been reported about Matthew Shepard’s death is wrong. … according to the new book, the story told by the murderers that they killed Shepard because he was a homosexual who came on to them is flat wrong. Shepard was not a martyr in the battle with homophobia. He was simply the victim of consensual homosexual relationship gone bad – as too many do.” Read the rest of this entry →

Dr. Joseph Nicolosi explains the dynamics of bias against ex-gays

October 07, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Clinical Science, Gay Politics

September 16, 2013

The following essay “Why Gays Cannot Speak for Ex-gays” by Joseph Nicolosi, Ph.D. is from the NARTH website and reprinted in its entirety: This summer, a British television network called to interview me for a show about efforts toward sexual-orientation change. The host of the show, they informed me, was a gay man. I declined the invitation, stating that the host’s gay identity would disqualify him from a fair evaluation of the ex-gay experience.

To refuse participation because the host is gay may seem unreasonable, until we recognize that the adoption of a gay identity typically prevents someone from honestly assessing the experience of the other man who has taken a different developmental route– i.e., the ex-gay person.

Why would this be true? Let me explain. Read the rest of this entry →

Andy Comisky discusses how arrogance can cut off God’s mercy

October 07, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Religious Perspective

September 16, 2013

The following excerpts are from Andy Comisky’s article “New Pharisee” on his blog: “I could not believe it. A quiet acquaintance began to bring along a remarkably younger same-gender ‘partner’ to the gym; their evident attraction disgusted me. I felt angry at them for messing up my morning ritual with their mutual adoration and also superior for being ‘healed’ enough to disdain rather than to envy them.”

“Jesus addressed my perverted heart in The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector. Luke starts out strong: ‘To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everyone else, Jesus told this parable.’ (18: 9) Busted. Jesus got my attention.” Read the rest of this entry →

World Net Daily reports on the ex-gay civil rights movement

October 07, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Ex-gay News

September 15, 2013

Excerpts from the World Net Daily article “Discrimination charges erupt against ‘gays,’” written by Gina Louden: … “The ex-gay community has begun to fight back with its declaration that September is Ex-Gay Pride Awareness Month. The advocacy group Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays, or PFOX, said it’s the first event to recognize the plight of former homosexuals.”

… ““Among the recent challenges to the rights of former homosexuals: New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie signed a law outlawing therapy for children who wish to overcome unwanted same-sex attractions, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed California’s similar law and an entertainer was rejected because he is ‘ex-gay.’” …