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Trail Life USA becomes Boy Scouts alternative

October 07, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Relationship Advice, Religious Perspective

September 13, 2013

The following excerpts are from the article “Your safe, alternate Boy Scout is …” by Matt Barber on the World Net Daily website: … “A brief summary from the new scouting-like organization’s website ( reads as follows: ‘Most guys want exciting outdoor adventure with their friends. We’ve got that! Trips and travel? That, too. Camping. Check. Physical and mental challenge? Yep. And awards? Of course!’”

“‘Trail Life USA is a Christian adventure, character and leadership movement for young men. The K-12 program centers on outdoor experiences that build a young man’s skills and allow him to grow on a personal level and as a role model and leader for his peers. Living the Trail Life is a journey established on timeless values derived from the Bible.’” Read the rest of this entry →

PFOX executive director argues that ex-gays need civil rights

October 07, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Ex-gay News, Gay Politics

September 12, 2013

The following PFOX press release “Does the ex-gay community need civil rights? – Ex-Gay Awareness Month designed to combat marginalization, discrimination” is reprinted in its entirety: The ex-gay community has designated each September as Ex-Gay Awareness Month. Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX), a sponsor of the event, says bringing awareness to the ex-gay community in this way has become necessary because gay activists have changed their strategy from seeking equality for the 3.9 percent of LGBT Americans to silencing any of the 96.1 percent who disagree with their agenda. Among those being silenced are former homosexuals, whose voices PFOX says are routinely marginalized, maligned, and minimized in the media and public sector. Read the rest of this entry →

Matt Staver’s clients are “greatly benefiting” from sexual orientation change therapy

October 07, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Sexual Orientation Change Efforts

September 11, 2013

Excerpt from the World Net Daily article “Law banning therapy for ‘unwanted attractions’ challenged”: … “Mathew Staver, chief counsel of Liberty Counsel, said the minors he represents ‘do not want to act on same-sex attractions, nor do they want to engage in such behavior. … They are greatly benefiting from this counseling. Their grades have gone up, their self-esteem has improved, and their relationships at home are much improved,’ he said”

“Staver said legislators and judges in California ‘have essentially barged into the private therapy rooms of victimized young people and told them that their confusion, caused by the likes of a Jerry Sandusky abuser, is normal and they should pursue their unwanted and dangerous same-sex sexual attractions and behavior, regardless of whether those minors desire their religious beliefs to trump their unwanted attractions.’” …

Peter Sprigg explains “Why Science Doesn’t Support Orientation-Change Bans”

October 02, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Clinical Science, Gay Politics, Homosexuality Causation

September 4, 2013

The following excerpt is from Peter Sprigg’s article “Why Science Doesn’t Support Orientation-Change Bans” on … “In fact, the American Psychological Association itself has actually moved away from asserting certainty about the origins of homosexuality, declaring in their most recent statement on this question that: ‘There is no consensus among scientists about the exact reasons that an individual develops a heterosexual, bisexual, gay, or lesbian orientation. . . . Many think that nature and nurture both play complex roles.’”

“If even the American Psychological Association says ‘there is no consensus among scientists’ about the origin of homosexuality, then it seems presumptuous of politicians to act as though there is in order to stifle conservative viewpoints on the issue. Read the rest of this entry →

PFOX explains why ex-gays need civil rights protection

October 02, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Ex-gay News

September 3, 2013

The following PFOX press release “Why Does the Ex-Gay Community Need Civil Rights?” has been reprinted in its entirety: September Awareness Month Fights Marginalization and Discrimination – September marks the First Annual Ex-Gay Awareness Month. Some casual observers might ask: “Why does the ex-gay community need civil rights?” Because in their quest for cultural dominance, gay activists have changed their strategy from seeking equality for the 3.9 percent of LGBT Americans to silencing any of the 96.1 percent who disagree with their agenda. This includes former homosexuals, whose voices are routinely marginalized, maligned, and minimized in the media and public sector. Read the rest of this entry →

Christopher Doyle responds to the Appeals Court support of therapy ban

October 02, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Sexual Orientation Change Efforts

September 2, 2013

Following are excerpts from Christopher Doyle’s article “9th Circuit Court of Appeals Avoids the Real Question of SOCE Ban” on the Voice of the Voiceless website:… “At the crux of the Court’s opinion, they decided that SOCE is subject to rational basis review, which means that the law will not be overturned on constitutional grounds if the legislature enacted it for any good reason. If a standard of rational basis review is applied, the Court will provide no constitutional protection for the issue at hand as it is always possible to find some reason, no matter how small or controversial, for a law to be enacted.”

… “Thus, in the Court’s decision to employ rational basis review, they essentially punted on the question as to whether the basis of the law was actually legitimate: … This is perhaps the most troubling statement of all. The Court, in its use of rational basis review, completely disregarded the task of deciding whether there was sufficient evidence to ban a particular form of treatment. Read the rest of this entry →

Sexual orientation conversion therapy bans compared to religious conversion bans

October 02, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Gay Politics, Sexual Orientation Change Efforts

August 30, 2013

The following excerpts are from Fay Voshell’s article “Conversion Therapy Law Threatens Christians” on “When Chris Christie signed a law against conversion therapy directed at counseling teens experiencing homoerotic feelings, he probably didn’t think he had just put New Jersey on a path similar to countries like Saudi Arabia, which forbids conversion from the prevailing Muslim faith.”

“But forbidding efforts to convert is essentially what the governor did. He expressly forbade conversion from the prevailing progressive religion, whose chief doctrine is that sexual behavior, including the homoerotic behavior of some children, is a sacred, infallible, and therefore unchangeable indicator of what human identity entails.” Read the rest of this entry →

Relevant Magazine interview with Alan Chambers

October 02, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Ex-gay News, Religious Perspective

August 30, 2013

Relevant Magazine has done a series of video interviews with Alan Chambers. Three videos feature three topics. The first video is titled “A Conversation About Exodus International;” the second “A Conversation About God’s Intent For Sexuality;” and the third “A Conversation About Alan’s Apology” to the gay community. Click Here to go to the Relevant Magazine video interviews.

NARTH response to Appeals Court

October 02, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Sexual Orientation Change Efforts

August 29, 2013

Following is “NARTH Statement” reprinted in its entirety: NARTH finds today’s ruling by the court to be disappointing and plans to appeal this decision. If left standing, this ruling will constitute a serious intrusion by government on the freedom of minors and their families to choose their desired form of psychological care.

At a time when adolescents who experience themselves as being the wrong biological sex are allowed to pursue sexual reassignment surgery, licensed therapists who are willing to assist youth with unwanted same-sex attraction and behaviors will be prohibited from even talking to minors in a manner that could be construed as promoting the pursuit of change. Read the rest of this entry →

Liberty Counsel response to Appeals Court decision

October 02, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Sexual Orientation Change Efforts

August 29, 2013

The following Liberty Counsel Press Release “Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Upholds Ban on Change Therapy” is reprinted in its entirety: San Francisco, CA—The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco upheld California’s ban on change therapy. Under this law that was scheduled to go into effect on January 1, 2013, minors will not be able to receive any counsel from a licensed therapist which seeks to change unwanted same-sex sexual or romantic attractions, behaviors or mannerisms, or identity. Nor will licensed counselors be permitted to offer such counsel, despite the fact that their clients are currently benefiting from such counsel.

Liberty Counsel will ask the full Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to rehear the case or file a petition with the U.S. Supreme Court. Read the rest of this entry →